How To Market A Roofing Company

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You may be a boss on the roof, but lost when it comes to marketing your business.

Don’t worry, we’re here to clear the air.

As a Roofing Digital Marketing Agency, we specialize in providing roofing contractors with holistic marketing campaigns that bring in leads like clockwork.

More prospective business

4 Types Of Marketing For Roofing Business

There are more forms of marketing, but these are the four core elements of all marketing, and you need to have a strategy for each of these areas or you’ll get blown off the roof.


Not important?

Guess again.

Physical marketing is still just as important as digital marketing (although less scalable).

Having an “on-the-ground” presence builds trust with your community, customers, & prospects.

Having a fleet of decked-out trucks with sick wraps that have your logo and “get a free estimate” on the bumper is necessary, not optional.


Pro Tip: Brighter colors scream at people, demanding their attention, & they make a more impressionable memory on the psyche.

Billboards can be fantastic advertising agents as well.

But, be sure to work with a competent graphic designer and copywriter before blowing thousands of dollars per month.

Nothing is worse than bland, difficult-to-read signage with no clear call to action.

Billboard of roof


Obviously, our favorite medium, largely due to its scalability.

With digital marketing, we harness the power of creating machines that bring thousands & thousands of people face-to-face with your website, ad, video, or lead magnet.

Plus, more and more people are starting to do their research online before deciding whether or not to purchase a product or service from a business.

In fact, a whopping 97% of people search online to find a local business.

This is because we live in the information age, which enables people to call you online before deciding whether or not they want to visit your storefront.

Roofers should have the following criteria:

  • A stunning website optimized for conversions
  • Clear CTA (call-to-action(s)) on their website
  • TONS of 5-star Google Reviews
  • Pictures + drone footage of completed projects
  • Strong social media presence
  • Up-to-date blog


Are you sick of chasing leads?

Inbound marketing is marketing that aims to bring leads directly to your business

Here are the different forms of inbound marketing:

  • Videos
  • Guides
  • Ebooks
  • Articles
  • Social Media Posts
  • Newsletters
  • Podcasts
  • Webinars

I’m not saying do them all, what I’m saying is laser-focus on a niche where you know you can be effective due to your unique skillset.

For us, video and articles work extremely well because those are two modes of communication that we accel in.

In other words, play to your strengths.

Sidenote: One of the most underrated roofing marketing tactics is to get an expert-level video produced and run it as an ad on Youtube through advanced targeting

Contact us for an immediate quote.


Pick up the phone!

Knock on some doors!

Send some emails!

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with going old school, and with an extreme amount of perseverance, you can still consistently generate business through these methods.

But again, they’re not scalable.

And you will always be hunting for business.

Killing deer

That’s why I believe in the power of building digital machines that bring in a recurring revenue stream.

With outdated marketing methods, you’re always at risk of going out of business.

One day business is booming, and the next day you have no leads.

This brings me to the next topic.


The million-dollar question.

“How to get roofing leads?”

I covered some different marketing strategies throughout the beginning of the article, but when it comes to roofing lead generation the methods below are by far my favorite.

After all, the first step in the sales cycle for roofers is lead generation, because without an interested party there’s no sale to be made.


Local SEO enables you to target people in your area who are looking for roofing services, as opposed to other forms of marketing which can be very broad.

The Google Map Pack can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on where you’re ranking.

The map pack grabs around 44% of the total clicks on SERPs (search engine results pages).

Consumer behavior is largely determined by psychological factors, and appearing in the map pack with tons of 5-star reviews and being within proximity to the searcher makes you an attractive candidate for a high-quality click.

Google even shows written reviews from your past customers, which adds immense social proof to your ability to get the job done.

And as you can see on mobile, the local profiles are only a call away.

Mobile searches are rapidly growing in popularity, so you want to have your GBP (Google Business Profile) fully optimized while making sure your website is responsive.


Google ads can be very profitable for roofers, but as they say, you have to pay to play.

Google advertising is similar to an auction, where the highest bidder gets displayed at the top, giving them the highest chance of receiving the lion’s share of clicks & impressions.

However, before you begin running ads you need to have optimized landing pages for the terms you’ll be targeting.

For instance, if a prospect types in “commercial roofing company Houston” and lands on a generic home page that says nothing about commercial roofing, you’re going to be providing a poor landing page experience and blowing budget.

And I don’t recommend treating Google like a strip club, because 9 times out of 10 they’ll take your money without the satisfaction.


As a roofing contractor, you have the unique ability to get a Google Guaranteed badge.

It’s completely free and requires virtually no effort.

After you’ve received your badge you can begin running local ads that display your badge of approval.

This builds an immense amount of trust with your audience, even if it’s only on a subconscious level.

For verification simply fill out the form (link above) to see if you’re eligible.


Is social media dead?


Is it saturated?


So, how do you stand out?

You stand out by building a brand kit and systematically scheduling your posts in a defined manner.

Is lit

It’s all about the brand, and you want to work hard at making sure your look is distinguishable from the competition.

To delve into how to crush it on social media check out our article on Social Media Marketing For Roofing Companies.

Study profiles that are performing well and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How is this profile different from the majority of social media profiles?
  • Do they have a brand voice that they consistently adhere to?
  • Do they post in a way that defines a “recognizable look?”
  • Do they post generally? Or to a specific target audience?

Social media is all about capturing and sustaining attention while generating and building a loyal following.

If you need help with social media for your roofing business explore our social media management services.


Email marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for roofing companies, allowing them to connect with their customers in a highly personalized and targeted way.

It can be used to build relationships with customers over time, helping to form trust, loyalty, & generate repeat business.

Email campaigns can be used to inform prospects in your area of new services, special offers, and local promotions.

The important part of email marketing is having the drip sequence well-defined so that it flows chronologically.

Here’s a closer look at the different types of drip campaigns:


Let the mouths of others be the talk of your business!

The key to generating new business via word of mouth:

  • Go above and beyond, then do some more
  • Establish relationships with your customers
  • Provide exceptional customer service
  • Genuinely care about their wants/needs
  • Be a positive force in their lives

Some of these things may sound cliche, but people will only give you a referral if they genuinely like you.

If they don’t like you (and your company), there’s absolutely no way they’ll be recommending your services to friends and family.

By being impressionable, delivering the highest quality of work, and taking a genuine interest in your customers, you’ll be able to generate more word-of-mouth business than you know what to do with.


Marketing is a complex beast, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be simplified.

By mastering a few acquisition channels and delivering work of the highest quality, you’re sure to see success.

If you made it this far then congratulations!

Here’s a FREE Website Audit Video that’s helped thousands of businesses become more profitable.

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